Filter Sampler Model 9401


The Model 9401 sampler allows you to perform time-resolved filter sampling to acquire aerosol samples from UAV and other mobile platforms with remote control capability. The compact size, low weight and minimal power use make it a great solution for applications requiring portability. Electron microscope grids may also be mounted inside the unit to allow TEM or SEM analysis of collected particles. With 8 filter channels, multiple samples can be obtained with your time resolution tailored to the aerosol loading. The Model 9401-3DA sampler extends the particle size sampling range to 30 microns through a 3D-printed inlet plenum that allows you to deploy filters and TEM grids in different channels at the same time.

Deploy the 9401 in conjunction with our other portable instruments so you can target your filter samples to specific events of interest revealed by real-time aerosol data.

The Model 9401 makes it easy-to-collect filter and TEM grid samples for time-resolved aerosol chemistry measurements on-board UAVā€™s and other mobile platforms.

Learn About Product

All Features
  • Eight filters or TEM grids with software actuated sampling
  • Large particle sampling with Model 9401-3DA printed sampler
  • Portable, lightweight, low power use
  • Integrated sample flow rate, pressure and temperature measurements
  • Self-contained operation with on-board software & data storage
  • Field tested on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
  • Sampling controllable by remote user command
  • Remote control with UAV Reader software
  • Easily integrated with other ACCESS modules
  • Flexible sampling with either filters or TEM grids
  • Field proven in harsh Arctic environment
Technical Specs

Copyright Ā©2025 All specifications are subject to change without notice. BMI assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies in this document or for any obligation to update information in this document. BMI reserves the right to change, modify, transfer or otherwise revise this publication without prior notice.

*Some products may be shown with optional accessories, which are sold separately. Items shown may not be to scale.

Applications and Solutions
  • Mobile platform sampling: UAVs, Balloons, Aircraft, Vehicles
  • Large particle (up to 30 microns) sampling with Model 9401-3DA printed sampler (e.g. volcanic ash)
  • Personal exposure monitoring
  • Climate change field studies
  • Air quality monitoring
  • Studies of health impacts of aerosols
  • Wildfire plume sampling
  • Aerosol-Cloud Interaction studies
Integrated firmware drives each ACCESS module from the inside ā€“ the built-in microprocessor and sensors are able to sense, control, and report on instrument performance. A serially-communicated stream of data provides real-time user access to operating parameters and measurement values. An on-board micro-SD card can be used to store data locally.
Add the Model 9400 Base Module option with the UAV Reader software to your ACCESS package to benefit from a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to easily interact with the instrument and view measurements on the screen of the mini-PC. Multiple ACCESS modules can be connected via a micro-USB hub to easily change the system configuration. The 9400 also allows each of the connected modules to be remotely controlled via a single RS232 connection.

The UAV Reader software automatically recognizes which instruments are attached to the Base Module and adjusts accordingly. It is provided to facilitate configuration and monitoring of the ACCESS instruments on the ground and during mobile sampling, but is not required to operate the unit.

What's Included
  • Model 9401 or 9401-3DA 8-channel filter sampler
  • LED Display
  • External 12 VDC power supply
  • Communication and power cables
  • Ship kit
  • Operatorā€™s manual
  • Weatherproof shipping case
The following optional accessories are available:

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